May you be Blessed with the Presence of Jesus this day and in the Years to come!!

Hello…. Welcome to my website!!
"My heart is inditing a good matter: I speak of the things which I have made touching the king: my tongue is the pen of a ready writer." -Psalm 45:1
Are you looking for inspiration?
Then look no further…this site is designed to inspire.
Christian literature?
"Books for Sale" presents books to deepen your walk with God.
Or, are you seeking a closer walk with the LORD? Are you yearning for that special something you can't even name; yet you will know it when you find it.
Then look no further.
Bread From Heaven is designed for those who hungers and thirst after righteousness. Not only will you leave revived and inspired, but motivated to chase after your destiny.
God is a load bearer to the faint at heart and a comforter to the hurting. His Word gives solace to the soul; hope in times of distress; peace in moments of chaos, and joy in persecution.
May you find refreshing from the presence of the LORD as you listen to my podcasts or read the inspirational messages.
Join me as I follow Christ into His storehouse for healing, deliverance, guidance, encouragement, and prosperity.
Click on to "Fresh Manna" for a "Now" Word from the Lord today!