That I Might Know Him

There is more to knowing God than just knowing the words written in the Bible. James informs us that Satan knows God, and trembles - however, Satan doesn't obey God. To know God is to have a relationship with God; as Sarah knew Abraham and beget Isaac.
If you ever expect to be fruitful in any area of your life; not having the type of fruit that withers or dies depending on the economy, but possessing the kind that will sustain you regardless of the climatic condition of you life, then you must have a relationship with God.
At 65, Sarah believed she was too old to bear a child. Furthermore, she had been barren all her life. Now at this stage of her life, she was been told that she would bear a son. Not only that, Abraham was 75 years old! Sarah believed that her situation was impossible. According to the natural way of life, what she was been asked to believe for was beyond reasoning. But, at the age of 90, Sarah gave birth to her son Isaac. The Bible states, Sarah conceived when she received strength to believe. (Hebrews 11:11)
Daily walking with God: prayer and meditation in His Word, will transform your mindset, and strengthen you faith. You will soon come to know and believe that all things are possible with God, and that without Him you will never be able to produce any sustainable fruit.
When we choose to believe, we will conceive the promises of God. For God watches over His Word to perform it. His Word will not return unto Him void. (Isaiah 55:11) With God, all things are possible to those that believe.
If you ever expect to be fruitful in any area of your life; not having the type of fruit that withers or dies depending on the economy, but possessing the kind that will sustain you regardless of the climatic condition of you life, then you must have a relationship with God.
At 65, Sarah believed she was too old to bear a child. Furthermore, she had been barren all her life. Now at this stage of her life, she was been told that she would bear a son. Not only that, Abraham was 75 years old! Sarah believed that her situation was impossible. According to the natural way of life, what she was been asked to believe for was beyond reasoning. But, at the age of 90, Sarah gave birth to her son Isaac. The Bible states, Sarah conceived when she received strength to believe. (Hebrews 11:11)
Daily walking with God: prayer and meditation in His Word, will transform your mindset, and strengthen you faith. You will soon come to know and believe that all things are possible with God, and that without Him you will never be able to produce any sustainable fruit.
When we choose to believe, we will conceive the promises of God. For God watches over His Word to perform it. His Word will not return unto Him void. (Isaiah 55:11) With God, all things are possible to those that believe.